Change contact details

Apply to change a phone number, email or postal address of a registered establishment.

  • Establishment
  • Application
  • Account

We’ll use your details to contact you or the person who manages your registered establishment about applications. You can have the following contact details registered with us:

  • work number
  • mobile number
  • email address
  • postal address.

Your postal address can be the same or different to a registered establishment’s physical location. You need to provide at least one option so we can contact you.

To apply to change a registered establishment’s contact details:

  1. Sign in to your Export Service account.
  2. Go to 'Businesses' and select the business.
  3. Select ‘Establishments’ or 'Manage establishments'.
  4. Go to 'Your establishments' and select the establishment.
  5. In ‘Contact details’, go to 'Phone numbers', 'Email address' or 'Postal address' and select ‘Change’.
  6. Add or edit the relevant contact details.
  7. Follow the steps to submit your application.

We’ll review your application as soon as we can. We’ll let you know if we can approve it in email.

Need more help?

Email 1800 571 125, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST