Cancel a sent invite

You can cancel an invite requesting someone to act for a business if you need to.

  • Invite
  • Account
  • Business
  • Principal authority
  • Roles

Only a 'Principal Authority (Owner) or 'Manager' in the Export Service can cancel a sent invite before an employee or third party accepts it.

To cancel a sent invite:

  1. Sign in to your Export Service account.
  2. Go to 'Businesses' and select the business.
  3. On the dashboard, select 'Access overview'.
  4. Go to the ‘Invited’ tab.
  5. Select ‘Cancel’.

The person will receive an error message telling them they cannot accept the invite.

For more information, go to Invite someone to act for a business.

Resend an invite

You may need to resend an invite for several reasons.

These include:

  • You need to restore access for someone who has been removed.
  • It was sent to the wrong email address.
  • The invite has expired after 7 days.

For more information, go to Missing or expired invites.

To resend an invite:

  1. Go to 'Access overview' and select the ‘Invited’ tab.
  2. Check the person’s email address is correct.
  3. Select ‘Resend’.

An ‘Invite sent’ notification will appear.

For more information, go to Manage who can act for a business.

Need more help?

Email 1800 571 125, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST